Why attend Music Festivals in Mauritius?
If you are a fan of live music, you will love the music festivals in Mauritius. Music Festivals are all about living in the moment with groovy music, great people and stunning venues. Come and enjoy the best festivals offering live music, big stages, the hottest upcoming artists, good food, contemporary art and all the fun that comes along whilst in an exotic and vibrant venue.
Music Festivals in Mauritius
Music festivals in Mauritius are usually held outdoors and usually include other attractions like food, merchandise, performing arts and other social activities to make it more than just a concert experience.
Get Your Music Festival Tickets
Otayo provides the easiest way to find out about festivals and purchasing music festival tickets. Our ticket booking website is the best to browse, find and buy music festival tickets. For more information on purchasing music festival tickets call 466 99 99 or email us on info@otayomauritius.com or visit our FAQ Page.